Message From HoD

I welcome you to Statistics Department at COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore campus. The Department has recently emerged from Department of Mathematics and is offering its services to all other departments of the campus. The Department also offers BS(Hons.), MS and PhD programs in Statistics. Statistics is an important branch of science and the subject enable us in decision making in diverse areas of life. We; at Department of Statistics; are providing our students the latest theoretical developments in the subject alongside giving them training of application of statistical techniques. Faculty at the Department is rich in research and provides guidance in diverse areas of the subject. Faculty at the Department also provides expertise in statistical softwares like SPSS, Stata, R, SAS, Python and many more. I assure you that Statistics Department at CUI will provide excellent services to its students in particular and to society in general."

Dr. Noor ul Amin

Head of Department, Department of Statistics